Monday, January 27, 2014

Good-bye Grandma

Sunday, January 26th at approximately 3:30am we said good-bye to Grandma Rose Marie Bazaure.  

Saying good-bye is never easy for the family, friends, and loved ones left behind, however, as a believer in Christ, I am confident she is with Our Father in Heaven rejoicing!  

Grandma Rose, Marcos' grandma, has been a blessing to me personally.  Learning her history and understanding the life she lived speaks volumes into the life I move forward with.  

This Woman of God, was an example of what a Wife, Mother, and Grandmother should live like.
She stood by her husband through good and through bad, providing care for him in his last years suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease.  

Rose will forever be missed and always remembered.  The Legacy she has left will continue to breath through the lives of her daughters, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

This video below is of a song, titled: You Hold Me Now by Hillsong United.

It speaks of that moment of entrance into eternity.  Being embraced by Our Father.  Where the streets are made of Gold! No Weeping.  No hurt. No more pain.  No more suffering.  God holds you at that point.  No darkness.  No sick.  No Lame.  God holds you! 

I find hope and comfort in that Rose is no longer sick, no longer suffering, no longer feeling pain, but she is rejoicing in the presence of her God, dancing, and singing.
You will always be in our hearts!  Each time I look at a red rose I will remember that is your favorite flower! 
I will remember the time you gave to Marcos and I, sharing with us the history of the Bazaure Family.  
I will remember all of it and share it with our children so that they will know there was a generation before them that left a Legacy for them to carry on as good and honest people, as you were!
Program Cover from Funeral - February 1, 2014

Marcos and Grandma Rose at her 80th Birthday Celebration.

Grandma Rose, Marcos, and I on our Wedding Day - May 16, 2009

I love you Grandma Rose.

Friday, January 24, 2014

In the Beginning...

This blog has been a long time coming.

I've always had this urge to write, but my initial understanding of blogs was that is was very self-focused.  With that said, I strayed away from the idea until recently.  After reading other blogs and getting real education (I'll let you know what I learned in a minute) on the purpose of blogs, I decided - LET'S DO THIS!

I guess I also had to get to a place of understanding and acceptance in my own personal thoughts that I may never have a Subscriber, nobody would be interested, and Google may inconspicuously divorce my blog for reasons of boredom, therefore not even putting up a fight for custody of it's content.  (see what I did there - haha)

Moving on:

Okay, so after carefully looking at other blogs that are comparable to the ideas I have for mine I have come to learn that they aren't Self-Focused AT ALL!  They are ideas that others share from THEIR real life experiences - but in a very non-selfish, look-at-me kinda way. This is exactly what I want to come from my blog.

With that said, you can expect to read about and experience with me a little from my Faith, in some sort - my Love, my Family, and of course the good, bad, and indifferent of my day-to-day life.

About the Author:

Tried to dodge this part, but I think that would leave for a lot of confusion down the road if I didn't give at least one sentence about myself.  So here we go...

My name is Teresa Serrano.  I've lived my entire life in the High Desert of Southern California, specifically, the Antelope Valley.  I'm 27 years young, strong believer that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, an animal lover, and happily married to my best friend of nearly 10 years, Marcos.
Marcos & Teresa Serrano Wedding 05/16/2009

I absolutely love Hallmark Movies, some of my faves are Back to You and Me, Matchmaker Santa, and Backyard Wedding. Each of these movies hold a little bit of a fairy tale that I secretly (well, not anymore) wish for!  The "small town", old-fashioned, and traditional living style is just so....BLISSFUL!  It's comparable to living in a Nicholas Sparks Novel, who by the way is my most FAVORITE Novelist.

My day-to-day living pretty much consists of the typical Homemaker duties (cleaning, cooking, and cleaning some more), working on building my company One Way Marketing (, playing with my two adorable doggies, spending time with my husband, going to church, serving in Ministry, and hanging out with my family.  When I'm not doing all the above, I like to Crochet (I just started), Watch Movies, Blog, Try out New Recipes, Bake, and Listen to Music.
Chewy Serrano, Shihtzu

 Buddy Serrano, Westland Terrier

I have a feeling, I will have a few people question my choice of Blog Title: Simply Spicy Serrano.  Again, I want my blog to cover both the simplicity, old-fashioned, and traditional side of my life, as well, I don't want to hold back the more chaotic, sometimes hectic and spicy side of my life.  That's exactly what a Serrano Pepper is.  It's a simple ingredient that can be played down into a simple salsa to compliment chips, or it can be left in it's natural form in which packs a lot of heat!  Take that as a WARNING before biting into one please!

I truly hope you enjoy the things I share and I would love to hear your feedback.

I'll end with sharing one of my fave scriptures:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

Special Thanks to my dear friend Sara H. for your indirect, yet very helpful way of getting me to figure out my Blog Title.  You are much appreciated!