Saturday, April 19, 2014

Pray for Your Husband...

If there is one thing to learn in marriage, it's that you can NOT change your husband, but God can. You can NOT change his heart, but God can. 

It must have taken complete trust and faith in God for Abraham to lead his son to be slain. Would you do it? No really, if God told you to take your husband to a place to be killed, would you do it? 

I strive to have this unshaken and relentless faith like Abraham. Not just with my husband, but with everything in my life. 

Repeat after me...

My husband is not mine, He is God's. 
My marriage is not mine, it is God's. 
Say this over and over until it resonates into your heart and soul. If you, like me, struggle with this, ask God to help you. Tell Him it's hard for you to give up the things you love. Ask Him for forgiveness for trying to control things that aren't meant for your control. 

If you truly want to help your husband, pray for him. We all need prayer. Our nation's fall and deterred morality starts at home. With our families. With the head of our households; which ladies, it is time to accept that we are not the head of the households, and if you have been playing this part, it is time you take a step back and fall to your knees to raise up your husband to become the leader he is called to be. 

It's not a natural thing for me to just sit down and pray, so I love guides to help me stay on track. This doesn't mean I don't "care" it's just not my strong point, but "change" isn't "changed" until it's CHANGED. Therefore, I am taking the necessary steps to create CHANGE. 

With the help of Scripture and the handy dandy Internet... I made my prayer list for my husband. 

1.) my husband's relationship with God. 
2.) that God would bless my husband. 
3.) that my husband would be a spiritual leader for our family. 
4.) for my husband to love me deeply. 
5.) that my husband would have a heart for children. 
6.) that my husband would make wise choices. 
7.) for my husband to prosper at work. 
8.) for my husband's power to resist sexual temptation. 
9.) that I will show my husband respect, grace, and kindness. 

Dear God, 
Unfortunately, marriage often leads to a commonplace, comfortable feeling and we get distracted by other things in life than focusing on our love for each other. I pray that we would be passionate about pursuing date night with each other. Help us to clear our schedules to make time for date night. I also pray that we can find things to do that are not too costly, yet I hope that you would provide the means to have some really nice dates at time in Jesus Name! AMEN! 

Dead God, 
I lift up my husband to You right now. May You guard his mind and heart from temptation. Give him the strength to resist sin. Continue to mature his character and make him more like You.  I pray that he would recognize his role as a husband and head of our home. Equip him to lead us as You have called him to in Jesus Name. AMEN! 

Dear God, 
Thank You for my wonderful husband. My absolutely amazing husband! I pray that You would give us both an intense passion for each other. Please spark my heart to pursue my husband. Please spark my husband's heart to pursue me. Remind us Lord to touch each other in passing, kiss each other in greeting, embrace one another, to look each other straight in the eyes, and to listen to each other's heart and respond gently and with love. I pray that we would both initiate intimacy and that we would respond positively. I ask Lord that You would infiltrate our hearts with Your incredible Love that it may pour out into the way we love each other. In Jesus Name. AMEN! 

Dear God,
Help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us. To work "that" love into practical things so that nothing can divide us. We ask for words both kind and loving and hearts always ready to ask for forgiveness as well as forgive. We put our marriage into Your hands. Amen! 

I am so blessed. I truly have an amazing husband. He is more than our household provider. He is my best friend. I know looks aren't important, but my husband is so hot! He is handsome when dressed for church, and downright sexy when he wears his baseball cap backwards (which is usually when he's doing work around the house, which is hot in itself, hello!)  

He is so patient! Very calm. I know he loves me! 
I read out of Christine Caine's book Undaunted that this is God's nature:
The very thing the enemy uses to try to destroy our life, is the very thing God uses to help others. 

I can honestly say that my marriage is always under attack. If not by the enemy by family, friends, etc...

My husband and I are far from perfect. But we have both learned that we must ask God to equip us with the eyes and the ears to recognize when the enemy is trying to distract us, dislocate us, and ultimately trying to destroy us. 

I pray that the lessons I've learned in marriage will be used to help others in Jesus Name. 

My marriage will not be a stastic for divorce. In fact, the D-Word is a BAD word in my house. Make it one for your's too. 

God bless!